① Development of methods for evaluating equivalence of nanomaterials
①(a) Development of equivalence criteria based on comparison of nanomaterials by intratracheal administration testing results
Implemented by the Chemicals Evaluation and Research Institute
Tsubokura Y, Oshima Y, Kobayashi T, Kikuchi J, Hashizume N, Nakai M, Ajimi S, Imatanaka N, Furukawa F (2013). Pulmonary toxicity of several nano TiO2 by intratracheal administration in rats. 6th International Symposium on Nanotechnology, Occupational and Environmental Health. P-02-042. (Aichi, October 28-31, 2013)
①(b) Sample preparation methods and characterization for equivalence evaluation
Implemented by the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology
② Comparative study of inhalation toxicity testing and intratracheal administration testing
②(a) Comparative study of inhalation toxicity testing and intratracheal administration testing
Implemented by the University of Occupational and Environmental Health
Morimoto Y, Izumi H, Yoshiura Y, Fujishima K, Yatera K, Yamamoto K. Usefulness of Intratracheal Instillation Studies for Estimating Nanoparticle-Induced Pulmonary Toxicity. Int J Mol Sci. 2016 Jan 27;17(2).
Morimoto Y, Izumi H, Yoshiura Y, Tomonaga T, Lee BW, Okada T, Oyabu T, Myojo T, Kawai K, Yatera K, Shimada M, Kubo M, Yamamoto K, Kitajima S, Kuroda E, Horie M, Kawaguchi K, Sasaki T. Comparison of pulmonary inflammatory responses following intratracheal instillation and inhalation of nanoparticles. Nanotoxicology. 2016 10(5) 607-618.
Oyabu T, Morimoto Y, Izumi H, Yoshiura Y, Tomonaga T, Lee BW, Okada T, Myojo T, Shimada M, Kubo M, Yamamoto K, Kawaguchi K, Sasaki T. Comparison between whole-body inhalation and nose-only inhalation on the deposition and health effects of nanoparticles Environ Health Prev Med 2016 Jan21(1) 42-48.
Horie M, Yoshiura Y, Izumi H, Oyabu T, Tomonaga T, Okada T, Lee BW, Myojo T, Kubo M, Shimada M, Morimoto Y. Comparison of the Pulmonary Oxidative Stress Caused by Intratracheal Instillation and Inhalation of NiO Nanoparticles when Equivalent Amounts of NiO Are Retained in the Lung. Antioxidants (Basel). 2016 Jan 18;5(1).
Morimoto Y, Izumi H, Yoshiura Y, Tomonaga T, Oyabu T, Myojo T, Kawai K, Yatera K, Shimada M, Kubo M, Yamamoto K, Kitajima S, Kuroda E, Kawaguchi K, Sasaki T. Pulmonary toxicity of well-dispersed cerium oxide nanoparticles following intratracheal instillation and inhalation. J Nanopart Res 2015;17(11):442
Yoshiura Y, Izumi H, Oyabu T, Hashiba M, Kambara T, Mizuguchi Y, Lee BW, Okada T, Tomonaga T, Myojo T, Yamamoto K, Kitajima S, Horie M, Kuroda E, Morimoto Y. Pulmonary toxicity of well-dispersed titanium dioxide nanoparticles following intratracheal instillation. J Nanopart Res. 2015;17(6):241.
Morimoto Y, Izumi H, Kuroda E (2014). Significance of persistent inflammation in respiratory disorder induced by nanoparticles. J Immunol Res. 2014, ID 962871.
②(b-1) Study on standardization of intratracheal administration testing: Study on standardization of the skill
Implemented by the Chemicals Evaluation and Research Institute
Kobayashi T, Oshima Y, Kikuchi J, Tsubokura Y, Hashizume N, Nakai M, Ajimi S, Imatanaka N, Furukawa F (2013). Effect of study conditions on the toxicity by intratracheal administration of nano TiO2 in rats, 6th International Symposium on Nanotechnology, Occupational and Environmental Health. P-02-043. (Aichi, October 28-31, 2013).
②(b-2) Study on standardization of intratracheal administration testing: Comparison of single and multiple administrations
Implemented by the Japan Bioassay Research Center
②(c) Development of a method for stable aerosol generation
Implemented by Hiroshima University
Kubo M, Nakaoka A, Morimoto K, Shimada M, Horie M, Morimoto Y, Sasaki T (2014), Aerosol Generation by a Spray-Drying Technique Under Coulomb Explosion and Rapid Evaporation for the Preparation of Aerosol Particles for Inhalation Tests. Aerosol Science and Technology. 48(7), 698-705.
Shimada M, Kubo M, Horie M, Morimoto Y, Sasaki T (2014). Preparation of Aerosol Particles for Inhalation Tests by Spray-drying Combined with Droplet Breakup. International Aerosol Conference. SS07-2. (Busan, Korea, August 28–September 2, 2014).
Shimada M, Kubo M, Horie M, Morimoto Y, Sasaki T. Spray-drying Technique with Droplet Breakup for Preparing Test Aerosol Particles for Inhalation Experiments. 8th Asian Aerosol Conference. 2C-1. (Sydney, Australia, December 2-5, 2013).
Kubo M, Shimada M, Horie M, Morimoto Y, Sasaki T. Preparation of nano-sized aerosol particles by a spray-drying technique with breaking up of droplets. 6th International Symposium on Nanotechnology, Occupational and Environmental Health. O-29-A-10. (Aichi, October 28-31, 2013).
②(d) Development of a method of capturing aerosol particles in liquids
Implemented by the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology
Iida K, Sakurai H, Ehara K (2013). Aerosol-to-Liquid Phase Collection: A Method for Making Liquid Suspension Containing Dry-Dispersed Nanomaterials. American Association for Aerosol Research 33nd Annual Conference. 3AE.2. (Florida, USA, October 20-24, 2014).
Iida K, Sakurai H, Ehara K (2014). Aerosol-to-Liquid Phase Collection: A Method for Making Liquid Suspension Containing Dry-Dispersed Nanomaterials. International Aerosol Conference. SS07-4. (Busan, Korea, August 28-September 2, 2014).
③ Development of supporting methods for toxicity testing and assessment of nanomaterials
③(a-1) Development of quantification methods for distributions of nanomaterials and biological responses
Implemented by the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology
③(a-2) Development of measurement methods for toxicokinetics of PEAPOD
Implemented by Shinshu University
Kobayashi S, Tsuruoka S, Usui Y, Haniu H, Aoki K, Takanashi S, Okamoto M, Nomura H, Tanaka M, Aiso S, Saito M, Kato H, Saito N (2015). An advanced in-situ imaging method using heavy metal doped hollow tubes to evaluate the biokinetics of carbon nanotubes in vivo, NPG Asia Materials 7, e203, 2015.
Tsuruoka S, Matsumoto H, Koyama K, Akiba E, Yanagisawa T, Flemming R. C, Saito N, Usui Y, Kobayashi S, Dale W. P, Vinsent C, Endo M (2015). Radical scavenging reaction kinetics with multiwalled carbon nanotubes. Carbon. 83, 232-239.
③(b) Development of mathematical models of toxicokinetics and biological responses of nanomaterials
Implemented by the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology
G. Zhang, N. Shinohara, H. Kano, H. Senoh, M. Suzuki, T. Sasaki, S. Fukushima, M. Gamo. (in print). Quantitative evaluation of local pulmonary distribution of TiO2 in rats following single or multiple intratracheal administrations of TiO2 nanoparticles using X-ray fluorescence microscopy. Journal of Applied Toxicology.
Shinohara N, Oshima Y, Kobayashi T, Imatanaka N, Nakai M, Ichinose T, Sasaki T, Kawaguchi K, Zhang G, Gamo M. (in print) Pulmonary clearance kinetics and extrapulmonary translocation of seven titanium dioxide nano and submicron materials following intratracheal administration in rats. Nanotoxicology. doi:10.3109/17435390.2015.1015644
Zhang G, Shinohara N, Kano H, Senoh H, Suzuki M, Sasaki T, Fukushima S, Gamo M (2015) . Quantitative evaluation of the pulmonary microdistribution of TiO2 nanoparticles using XRF microscopy after intratracheal administration with a microsprayer in rats. Journal of Applied Toxicology. 35(6), 623–630.
Shinohara N, Oshima Y, Kobayashi T, Imatanaka N, Nakai M, Ichinose T, Sasaki T, Zhang G, Fukui H, Gamo M (2014a). Dose-dependent clearance kinetics of intratracheally administered titanium dioxide nanoparticles in rat lung. Toxicology. 325(5), 1-11.
Shinohara N, Danno N, Ichinose T, Sasaki T, Fukui H, Honda K, Gamo M (2014b) Tissue distribution and clearance of intravenously administered titanium dioxide (TiO2) nanoparticles. Nanotoxicology. 8(2), 132-41.
Ema M, Gamo M, Honda K. (2016) A review of toxicity studies of single-walled carbon nanotubes in laboratory animals. Regul Toxicol Pharmacol. 74, 42-63.
Ema M, Hougaard KS, Kishimoto A, Honda K. (2016) Reproductive and developmental toxicity of carbon-based nanomaterials: A literature review. Nanotoxicology 10, 391-412.
Ema M, Gamo M, Honda K. (2016) Developmental toxicity of engineered nanomaterials in rodents. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol 229, 47-52.
③(c) Development of cell culture models of lung alveoli as evaluation systems for mathematical modeling
Implemented by the University of Tokyo
Iwasawa K, Tanaka G, Aoyama T, Chowdhury MM, Shinohara M, Komori K, Tanaka-Kagawa T, Jinno H, Sakai Y (2013). Prediction of phthalate permeation through pulmonary alveoli using a cultured A549 cell-based in vitro alveolus model and a numerical simulation. AATEX. 18(1), 19-31.
④ Monitoring international activities
Implemented by the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, and Keio University
Masashi Gamo (2016). Development of Equivalence Criteria for Nanomaterials by Intratracheal Administration. Categorisation of manufactured nanomaterials — Workshop report. OECD. Series on the Safety of Manufactured Nanomaterials No.66, ENV/JM/MONO(2016)9,65-66.
Takuya Igarashi (2016). Approaches to Develop or Use Concepts of Grouping, Equivalence and Read-Across Based on Physical-Chemical Properties (GERA-PC) of Nanomaterials for their Hazard Assessment in Regulatory Regimes. Categorisation of manufactured nanomaterials — Workshop report. OECD. Series on the Safety of Manufactured Nanomaterials No.66, ENV/JM/MONO(2016)9,18-19.
Takuya Igarashi (2016). Approaches on nano grouping/equivalence/read-across concepts based on physical- chemical properties (GERA-PC) for regulatory regimes — Results from the Survey. OECD. Series on the Safety of Manufactured Nanomaterials No.64, ENV/JM/MONO(2016)3.