• Priority Research Issues
  • Issue 2: Assessment Research for Supporting Social Implementation of Technologies
  • Issue 2: Assessment Research for Supporting Social Implementation of Technologies

    Research Background

    For solving social challenges, social implementation of new materials and novel technologies achieved through technological innovation is urgent.  For such social implementation to enable harmonization of economic development, environmental protection, and industrial safety, scientific evidence must be provided that clarify multiple aspects of the effects of use of such new technologies.

    Outline and Target

    RISS is conducting safety assessment of various new technologies. Assessment of environmental impact and risk posed by specific technologies and products throughout their entire lifecycle (LCA) helps industries innovate effective countermeasures to SDGs and ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) issues. For example, in the area of practical risk assessment of nanomaterials, RISS develops a risk assessment report of cellulose nanofibers. Regarding technologies for achieving a low-carbon society, RISS develops valuation models and scenarios of introduction of low-carbon technologies. For environmental inventory analysis, RISS continue to develop the IDEA inventory database.

