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Guide to Evaluating Emission and Exposure of Carbon Nanomaterials (carbon nanotubes and graphenes)
Technology Research Association for Single Wall Carbon Nanotubes (TASC)—a consortium of nine companies and the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) — is developing voluntary safety management techniques for carbon nanomaterials under the project (no. P10024) “Innovative carbon nanotubes composite materials project toward achieving a low-carbon society,” which is commissioned by the New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO).
As one of the project’s achievements, we published the Guide to Measuring Airborne Carbon Nanotubes in Workplaces in 2013, which comprises the methods and case studies relevant to the measurement of airborne carbon nanotubes (CNTs) in the workplaces where they are handled primarily as powders. However, the possibility of emissions of carbon nanomaterials is not limited to the powder form, but could occur also when the composites are cut, abraded, crushed, or subjected to other processes. Therefore, this new guide has been released by adding new information to the old guide. In this guide, the targets have been expanded from CNT powder to their composites (and also to graphene). This new guide includes the available practical methods and case studies relevant to the measurement of carbon nanomaterials emitted in processes such as machining, abrading, and crushing.
We hope this document is helpful with regard to voluntary safety management of carbon nanomaterials.