Google ScholarのAPA style引用に基づく表記です
Matsugi, A. (2025). Chemiluminescence of NO2 at high temperatures. Combustion and Flame, 273, 113979. |
Kojo, K., Oguri, T., Tanaka, T., Ikeda, A., Shimizu, T., Fujimoto, S., … & Nishiyama, H. (2024). Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry Performance for the Measurement of Key Serum Minerals: A Comparative Study With Standard Quantification Methods. Journal of Clinical Laboratory Analysis, e25140. |
Higashi, Y., Nishida, C., Izumi, H., Sato, K., Kawai, N., Tomonaga, T., … & Morimoto, Y. (2025). Inhalation exposure to cross-linked polyacrylic acid induces pulmonary disorders. Toxicology, 510, 154001. |
Fujita, K., Obara, S., Maru, J., Kawai, Y., & Endoh, S. (2025). Pulmonary inflammatory responses and retention dynamics of cellulose nanofibrils. Toxicology, 511, 154038. |
Hata, H., Mizushima, N., & Ihara, T. (2025). Impact of introducing electric vehicles on ground-level O3 and PM2. 5 in the Greater Tokyo Area: yearly trends and the importance of changes in the urban heat island effect. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 25(2), 1037-1061. |
Kondo, M., Wang, J., Komai, T., & Watanabe, N. (2024). Applicability of monitoring data of Hg soil-atmosphere transport in an old mining area for exposure risk assessment. Geochemistry: Exploration, Environment, Analysis, geochem2024-012. |
田井梨絵, 韓書平, 益永茂樹, & 内藤航. (2024). 生息海域の海水を用いたエゾアワビ幼生に対する銅の生態毒性試験. 環境毒性学会誌, 27(1), 64-72. |
Takeshita, J. I., Goto, Y., Yamamoto, S., Sasaki, T., & Yoshinari, K. (2024). Comprehensive analysis of the toxicity-related findings from repeated-dose subacute toxicity studies of industrial chemicals in male rats. Critical Reviews in Toxicology, 54(10), 996-1010. |
Shinohara, N., García, J. J. F. Á., Reyes, M. M., Jiménez, B. G., Cruz, R. B., Gonzalez, B. C., & Wakamatsu, S. (2024). Exposure/Risk Assessment of Employees in Gasoline Refueling Stations with and Without the Efficacy of Vapor Recovery Systems in Mexico. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 22(1), 10. |
Hata, H., Hoshino, S., Fujita, M., & Tonokura, K. (2025). Dependence of Oleic Acid Ozonolysis Rate on Film Thickness From Surface to Bulk Phases: Experimental and Modeling Approaches. International Journal of Chemical Kinetics. |
Moon, D., Kurisu, K., & Tahara, K. (2023). Which products are bought second-hand and by whom?: Analysis of consumer-preferred acquisition modes by product type. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 190, 106860. |
庭野諒, 本藤祐樹, 森泉由恵, & 田原聖隆. (2021). 海洋深層水の複合利用を考慮した海洋温度差発電の導入可能性. 日本エネルギー学会誌, 100(7), 73-82. |
Vazquez Santiago, J., Hata, H., Martinez-Noriega, E. J., & Inoue, K. (2024). Ozone trends and their sensitivity in global megacities under the warming climate. Nature Communications, 15(1), 10236. |
Matsugi, A. (2024). Chemiluminescence during the high-temperature pyrolysis and oxidation of ammonia. Combustion and Flame, 269, 113706. |
Fujita, K., Obara, S., Maru, J., Endoh, S., Kawai, Y., Moriyama, A., & Horie, M. (2024). Assessing cytotoxicity and biocompatibility of cellulose nanofibrils on alveolar macrophages. Cellulose, 1-20. |
Matsugi, A., & Suzuki, S. (2024). Anthracene formation pathways in toluene combustion: Reactions of benzyl and 2-methylphenyl radicals. Combustion and Flame, 267, 113603. |
Oguri, T., Shinohara, N., & Nakayama, S. F. (2024). Assessing the feasibility of using toenails as biomarkers for estimating inorganic arsenic exposure in Japanese adults. Environmental Health and Preventive Medicine, 29, 59-59. |
Shinohara, N., Kurihara, N., Naito, W., Iwai, A., Yasutaka, T., Morioka, T., … & Tatsu, K. (2024). Wind velocity and dispersion/advection–diffusion of artificial droplets and droplet nuclei in a domed all-weather multi-purpose stadium. Scientific Reports, 14(1), 26601. |
牧野良次, 高尾義行, & 田村昌三. (2024). 安全対策の費用便益分析に関する認識と取り組み: 国内製造業の調査結果. 安全工学, 63(5), 311-320. |
Morita, K., Takeshita, J., Itaka, S., & Suzuki, T. (2024). Evaluation of Methods for Estimating Measurement Precision, The 21st ANQ Congress 2023 Proceedings, 416-424. |
Aoki‐Suzuki, C., Dente, S. M., Tanaka, D., Kayo, C., Murakami, S., Fujii, C., … & Hashimoto, S. (2021). Total environmental impacts of Japanese material production. Journal of industrial ecology, 25(6), 1474-1485. |
Hano, T., Ito, M., Sato, T., Sugaya, T., Sato, J., Jusup, M., & Iwasaki, Y. (2024). Triple jeopardy: The combined effects of viral, chemical, and thermal stress on kuruma prawn (Penaeus japonicus) juveniles. Science of The Total Environment, 175934. |
Kaito, S., Takeshita, J. I., Iwata, M., Sasaki, T., Hosaka, T., Shizu, R., & Yoshinari, K. (2024). Utility of human cytochrome P450 inhibition data in the assessment of drug-induced liver injury. Xenobiotica, (just-accepted), 1-30. |
Yamane, M., Honda, H., Murata, M., Kawaguchi, T., & Ishikawa, Y. (2024). Global-SHANEL Asia model predicting chemical concentration in rivers with high spatio-temporal resolution, suitable for climate change scenarios. Journal of Environmental Management, 370, 122335. |
岩崎雄一, 上田紘司, & 内藤航. (2024). 室内毒性試験から得られる影響濃度を環境中の多様なマイクロプラスチック粒子濃度と比較可能な濃度に換算する方法. 環境毒性学会誌, 27(1), 46-52. |
Morimoto, T., Izumi, H., Tomonaga, T., Nishida, C., Kawai, N., Higashi, Y., … & Morimoto, Y. (2024). The Effects of Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress via Intratracheal Instillation of Water-Soluble Acrylic Acid Polymer on the Lungs of Rats. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 25(7), 3573. |
Hata, H., & Tonokura, K. (2024). Kinetic study of isoprene hydroxy hydroperoxide radicals reacting with sulphur dioxide and their global-scale impact on sulphate formation. Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts. |
Iida, M., Kuniki, Y., Yagi, K., Goda, M., Namba, S., Takeshita, J. I., … & Yamanishi, Y. (2024). A network-based trans-omics approach for predicting synergistic drug combinations. Communications Medicine, 4(1), 1-16. |
Hamano, M., Nakamura, T., Ito, R., Shimada, Y., Iwata, M., Takeshita, J. I., … & Yamanishi, Y. (2024). DIRECTEUR: transcriptome-based prediction of small molecules that replace transcription factors for direct cell conversion. Bioinformatics, 40(2), btae048. |
Murakami, M., Fujii, K., Naito, W., Kamo, M., Kitajima, M., Yasutaka, T., & Imoto, S. (2024). COVID-19 infection risk assessment and management at the Tokyo 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Games: A scoping review. Journal of infection and public health, 17, 18-26. |
藤田克英. (2024). セルロースナノファイバーの吸入毒性評価. オレオサイエンス, 24(5), 197-203. |
Tai, R., Ogura, I., Okazaki, T., Iizumi, Y., & Mano, H. Algal Growth Inhibition Test of Tempo-Oxidized Cellulose Nanofibers: Testing Considerations and Implementation. Available at SSRN 4678168. |
Lee, Y. J., Lin, B. L., & Inoue, K. (2024). Inorganic PM2. 5 reduction in Kanto, Japan: The role of ammonia and its emission sources control strategies. Environmental Pollution, 349,, 123926. |
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Matsuzawa, T., Tai, R., Mano, H., & Ogura, I. (2024). Applicability of enzymatic and phenol–sulfuric acid methods for determination of cellulose nanofibers in ecotoxicity testing. Journal of Wood Science, 70(1), 17. |
松永猛裕. (2023). 世界大戦中の毒ガス弾処理技術の開発 (1) 世界大戦中の毒ガス弾の概要とこのシリーズの目的. Explosion, 33(1), 17-21. |
Iwasaki, Y., Suemori, T., & Kobayashi, Y. (2024). Predicting macroinvertebrate average score per taxon (ASPT) at water quality monitoring sites in Japanese rivers. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 1-11. |
Yanagihara, M., Hiki, K., & Iwasaki, Y. (2024). Which distribution to choose for deriving a species sensitivity distribution? Implications from analysis of acute and chronic ecotoxicity data. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 278, 116379. |
Yokoi, R., Motoshita, M., Matsuda, T., & Itsubo, N. (2024). Country-Specific External Costs of Abiotic Resource Use Based on User Cost Model in Life Cycle Impact Assessment. Environmental science & technology, 58(18), 7849-7859. |
櫻井啓一郎. (2024). 豪雪地帯における電気自動車普及の課題と対応方策. エネルギー・資源= Energy and resources, 45(2), 78-81. |
篠原直秀, 達晃一, 鍵直樹, 金勲, 坂口淳, & 内藤航. (2024). 電車・バスにおける車室内換気性能・空気清浄化と感染リスク. 空気清浄: コンタミネーションコントロール, 61(5), 310-318. |
Morimoto, T., Izumi, H., Tomonaga, T., Nishida, C., Kawai, N., Higashi, Y., … & Morimoto, Y. (2024). The Effects of Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress via Intratracheal Instillation of Water-Soluble Acrylic Acid Polymer on the Lungs of Rats. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 25(7), 3573. |
Shinohara, N., Oguri, T., Takagi, M., Ueyama, J., & Isobe, T. (2024). Evaluating the risk of phthalate and non-phthalate plasticizers in dust samples from 100 Japanese houses. Environment International, 183, 108399. |
岩崎雄一, 須藤哲平, & 篠原直秀. (2024). 鉱山廃水処理水が流入する直上・直下地点での水質及び底生動物調査: 吉乃鉱山での事例. 環境毒性学会誌, 27(1), 1-8. |
Matsugi, A., & Suzuki, S. (2024). Ring Growth Mechanism in the Reaction between Fulvenallenyl and Cyclopentadienyl Radicals. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A. |
村上道夫, 小野恭子, 井上知也, 西川佳孝, 小島直也, 岩崎雄一, … & 永井孝志. (2024). リスクガバナンスの分野横断的波及効果―レギュラトリーサイエンス的視野からの考察―. リスク学研究, 33(4), 155-165. |
Asahara, M., Iwatsuki, K., Kang, D., Kambayashi, I., Saburi, T., Iwasaki, K., … & Miyasaka, T. (2024). Characterization of hydrogen jets considering leakage from high-pressure storage tanks using shadowgraphy. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 61, 1456-1472. |
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恒見清孝, 小野恭子, & 石川百合子. (2023). 災害・事故事象に対応する迅速拡散予測手法の開発. 地球環境, 28(2), 179-186. |
Sugiyama, Y., Tamba, T., Matsumura, T., & Wakabayashi, K. (2024). On the azimuth angle characteristics of the blast wave from an underground magazine model (VII): Evaluation of peak-overpressure distribution outside arbitrarily shaped underground magazine. Science and Technology of Energetic Materials, 85(1), 6-15. |
Yoshikado, H. (2023). Correlation between air temperature and surface ozone in their extreme ranges in the greater Tokyo region. Asian Journal of Atmospheric Environment, 17(1), 9. |
Tai, R., Ogura, I., Okazaki, T., Iizumi, Y., & Mano, H. (2024). Acute toxicity tests of TEMPO-oxidized cellulose nanofiber using Daphnia magna and Oryzias latipes. Cellulose, 1-14. |
Tsubokura, S., Takahashi, A., Takahashi, K., Saburi, T., Usuba, S., Takahashi, Y., & Kubota, S. (2024). MINIMUM EXPLOSIBLE CONCENTRATION MEASUREMENTS OF HYBRID ROCKET SOLID FUEL DUST. International Journal of Energetic Materials and Chemical Propulsion, 23(1). |
Takahashi, A., Ohde, T., Ogasawara, D., Tsubokura, S., Takahashi, K., Takahashi, Y., … & Kubota, S. (2024). ASSESSING FUEL FRAGMENTATION IN AN OXIDIZING ATMOSPHERE FOR HYBRID ROCKET PROPELLANT SAFETY COMPREHENSION. International Journal of Energetic Materials and Chemical Propulsion, 23(1), 27-37. |
Matsugi, A. (2023). Exploring the mechanism of blue emission from hydrogen combustion. Combustion and Flame, 256, 112953. |
Matsugi, A., & Suzuki, S. (2024). Multiple-well master equation study on the propargyl+ indenyl recombination and subsequent reactions. Combustion and Flame, 259, 113143. |
Zhang, Y., Lin, B. L., Tsunemi, K., Tahara, K., & Ihara, T. (2024). Nitrogen flows with its yearly change and magnitude in urban waste in Tokyo: Implications for nitrogen management. Bioresource Technology Reports, 25, 101689. |
Yokoi, R., Kataoka, R., Masese, T., Bach, V., Finkbeiner, M., Weil, M., … & Motoshita, M. (2024). Potentials and hotspots of post-lithium-ion batteries: Environmental impacts and supply risks for sodium-and potassium-ion batteries. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 204, 107526. |
Murakami, M., Ono, K., Takebayashi, Y., Tsubokura, M., & Nomura, S. (2024). Comparing the risks of environmental carcinogenic chemicals in Japan using the loss of happy life expectancy indicator. Environmental Research, 118637. |
Sugiyama, Y., Homae, T., Tamba, T., Matsumura, T., & Wakabayashi, K. (2024). Numerical study on the blast mitigation effect of an inner-grooved straight tube. Physics of Fluids, 36(1). |
Nakamura, Y., Hata, H., & Tonokura, K. (2023). Urban-scale analysis of the seasonal trend of stabilized-Criegee intermediates and their effect on sulphate formation in the Greater Tokyo Area. Environmental Science: Atmospheres, 3(12), 1758-1766. |
Fujita, K., Obara, S., Maru, J., & Endoh, S. (2023). Effects of advanced nanomaterials on the respiratory system of a murine COPD model. Toxicology Reports, 11, 481-492. |
Islam, K., Yokoi, R., Pastor, A. V., & Motoshita, M. (2023). Balancing water use and nutrition for crop production in a highly dense population–Bangladesh. Sustainable Production and Consumption, 43, 389-399. |
Homae, T., Sugiyama, Y., Tamba, T., Matsumura, T., & Wakabayashi, K. (2023). Blast-wave mitigation by periodic obstacles in a straight tube. Science and Technology of Energetic Materials, 84(6), 81-86. |
Mohri, H., & Takeshita, J. I. (2024). Graph reliability evaluation via random K-out-of-N systems. Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods, 53(3), 1024-1034. |
Iwasaki, Y., Takeshita, K. M., Ueda, K., & Naito, W. (2023). Estimating species sensitivity distributions for microplastics by quantitively considering particle characteristics using a recently created ecotoxicity database. Microplastics and Nanoplastics, 3(1), 21. |
Nakakubo, T., Kawabata, M., Ishikawa, Y., & Iwasaki, Y. (2023). Modeling the effect of improved sewage disposal rates on ecological status for aquatic organisms in Japan. Heliyon, 9(11). |
Ogura, I., Sugiyama, M., Tai, R., Mano, H., & Matsuzawa, T. (2023). Optimization of microplate-based phenol-sulfuric acid method and application to the multi-sample measurements of cellulose nanofibers. Analytical Biochemistry, 681, 115329. |
蒲生昌志. (2023). 複合影響のリスク評価におけるモデリング技法の役割. 環境化学, 33(Special_Issue), s11-s18. |
Hata, H., Hoshino, S., Fujita, M., & Tonokura, K. (2023). Atmospheric impact of isoprene-derived Criegee intermediates and isoprene hydroxy hydroperoxide on sulfate aerosol formation in the Asian region. Atmospheric Environment: X, 20, 100226. |
Ono, K., Naito, W., Ogura, I., Xue, M., Kato, E., Uesaka, M., & Tsunemi, K. (2023). Estimation of microplastic emission and transfer into Tokyo Bay, Japan, using material flow analysis. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 194, 115440. |
野呂田晋, 岩崎雄一, & 荻野激. (2023). 北海道精進川鉱山における坑廃水及び河川の水質の長期変化–今後の水質モニタリング方法に関する考察–. Journal of MMIJ, 139(4-8), 21-28. |
西田貴明, 岩崎雄一, 大澤隆文, 小笠原奨悟, 鎌田磨人, 佐々木章晴, … & 吉田丈人. (2023). 自然の賢明な活用を目指して: グリーンインフラ・NbS の推進における生態学的視点. 保全生態学研究, 2211. |
Takeshita, K. M., & Iwasaki, Y. (2023). Application of a Bayesian structural time series model for evaluating 11-year variation in pH in the headwaters of the Tama River, Japan. Limnology, 1-8. |
Shinohara, N. (2023). Bis (2-ethylhexyl) phthalate transfer from polyvinyl chloride sheet to several kinds of particles. Chemosphere, 139438. |
Higaki, S., Yoshida-Ohuchi, H., & Shinohara, N. (2023). Radiocesium-bearing microparticles discovered on masks worn during indoor cleaning. Scientific Reports, 13(1), 10008. |
Wang, M., Matsugi, A., Kondo, Y., Sakamoto, Y., & Kajii, Y. (2023). Impact of Hydrogen Mixture on Fuel Consumption and Exhaust Gas Emissions in a Truck with Direct-Injection Diesel Engine. Energies, 16(11), 4466. |
Chun, Y. Y., Chinen, K., & Matsumoto, M. (2023). How to attract newness-conscious consumers to a circular electric vehicle economy. Sustainable Production and Consumption. |
Hata, H., Inoue, K., Yoshikado, H., Genchi, Y., & Tsunemi, K. (2023). Impact of introducing net-zero carbon strategies on tropospheric ozone (O3) and fine particulate matter (PM2. 5) concentrations in Japanese region in 2050. Science of The Total Environment, 891, 164442. |
Miyazaki, M., Takeshita, J., Ikata S., & Suzuki, T., Comparison among variation measures of ordinal scale data. The 20th ANQ Congress 2022, Beijing, China (Online), October 2022. |
Takeshita, J. I., Murakami, M., Kamo, M., Naito, W., Yasutaka, T., & Imoto, S. (2023). Quantifying the effect of isolation and negative certification on COVID-19 transmission. Scientific Reports, 13(1), 11264. |
Haegel, N. M., Verlinden, P., Victoria, M., Altermatt, P., Atwater, H., Barnes, T., … & Bett, A. W. (2023). Photovoltaics at multi-terawatt scale: waiting is not an option. Science, 380(6640), 39-42. |
Takahashi, Y., Kubota, S., & Saburi, T. (2023). Development of simple evaluation system for Hugoniot of polymethyl methacrylate. Shock Waves, 33(2), 169-176. |
Marinova, S., Bach, V., Yokoi, R., Motoshita, M., Islam, K., & Finkbeiner, M. (2023). Country-level criticality assessment of abiotic resource use in Japan-Application of the SCARCE method. Journal of Cleaner Production, 137355. |
小倉勇, 藤田克英, 堀江祐範, 森山章弘, 田井梨絵, & 眞野浩行. (2023). セルロースナノファイバーの安全性に関するこれまでの研究. 成形加工, 35(4), 122-125. |
石川百合子, 村田道拓, 川口智也, 小野恭子, & 恒見清孝. (2023). 化学物質流出事故対策に活用可能な河川流下予測早見表の開発-多摩川, 淀川, 日光川におけるクロロホルムを例として. 水環境学会誌, 46(3), 77-84. |
Motoshita, M., Pfister, S., Sasaki, T., Nansai, K., Hashimoto, S., Yokoi, R., … & Finkbeiner, M. (2023). Responsibility for sustainable water consumption in the global supply chains. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 196, 107055. |
Weyand, S., Kawajiri, K., Mortan, C., & Schebek, L. (2023). Scheme for generating upscaling scenarios of emerging functional materials based energy technologies in prospective LCA (UpFunMatLCA). Journal of Industrial Ecology. |
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Murakami, M., Sato, H., Irie, T., Kamo, M., Naito, W., Yasutaka, T., & Imoto, S. (2023). Sensitivity of rapid antigen tests for COVID-19 during the Omicron variant outbreak among players and staff members of the Japan Professional Football League and clubs: a retrospective observational study. BMJ open, 13(1), e067591. |
Shinohara, N., Hashimoto, K., Kim, H., & Yoshida-Ohuchi, H. (2023). Fungi, mites/ticks, allergens, and endotoxins in different size fractions of house dust from long-term uninhabited houses and inhabited houses. Building and Environment, 229, 109918. |
Lee, Y. J., & Lei, Z. (2022). Nitrous oxide emission mitigation from biological wastewater treatment-A review. Bioresource Technology, 127747. |
Lee, Y. J., Lin, B. L., Xue, M., & Tsunemi, K. (2022). Ammonia/ammonium removal/recovery from wastewaters using bioelectrochemical systems (BES): A review. Bioresource Technology, 127927. |
Kawajiri, K., & Kobayashi, M. (2022). Cradle-to-Gate life cycle assessment of recycling processes for carbon fibers: A case study of ex-ante life cycle assessment for commercially feasible pyrolysis and solvolysis approaches. Journal of Cleaner Production, 378, 134581. |
Tai, R., Chiba, K., Nishimura, Y., Han, S., Masunaga, S., & Naito, W. (2022). The Toxicity of Copper to Pacific Oyster and Sea Squirt from Japan Using Regional Seawater as a Test Medium. Journal of Water and Environment Technology, 20(5), 118-127. |
Islam, K., Motoshita, M., & Murakami, S. (2023). Environmental Sustainability of Bricks in an Emerging Economy: Current Environmental Hotspots and Mitigation Potentials for the Future. Sustainability, 15(6), 5228. |
Iwasaki, Y., Mano, H., & Shinohara, N. (2023). Linking levels of trace-metal concentrations and ambient toxicity to cladocerans to levels of effects on macroinvertebrate communities. Environmental Advances, 11, 100348. |
櫻井啓一郎. (2022). 日本における電気自動車の柔軟性資源としての活用戦略. 太陽エネルギー, 48(2), 25-31. |
Kamo, M., Hayashi, T. I., & Iwasaki, Y. (2022). Revisiting assessment factors for species sensitivity distributions as a function of sample size and variation in species sensitivity. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 246, 114170. |
Tsunemi, K., Kawamoto, T., & Matsumoto, H. (2023). Estimation of the Potential Global Nitrogen Flow in a Nitrogen Recycling System with Industrial Countermeasures. Sustainability, 15(7), 6042. |
Inoue, K., Okada, K., Kumasaki, M., & Usuki, K. (2022). Energetic characteristics of 1H-tetrazole/NaClO4 ionic cocrystal. Journal of Energetic Materials, 1-13. |
Tsunemi, K. (2023). Risk assessment of nano-scale solid carbon sourced from a CO2-free hydrogen manufacturer used at a steel plant and disposed at a landfill site. Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 170, 1032-1038. |
Hattori, H., Moriyama, A., Ohno, T., Shibata, T., Iwahashi, H., & Mitsunaga, T. (2022). Molecular networking-based lipid profiling and multi-omics approaches reveal new contributions of functional vanilloids to gut microbiota and lipometabolism changes. Food Chemistry: Molecular Sciences, 5, 100123. |
Akiyoshi, M., Sakakibara, T., Okada, K., & Matsunaga, T. (2022). Study of a differential scanning calorimetry vessel coated with inert material. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 1-10. |
Mohri, H., & Takeshita, J. I. (2022). Catastrophic Failure and Cumulative Damage Models Involving Two Types of Extended Exponential Distributions. International Journal of Reliability, Quality and Safety Engineering, 29(04), 2141004. |
Tomonaga, T., Nishida, C., Izumi, H., Kawai, N., Wang, K. Y., Higashi, H., … & Morimoto, Y. (2022). Crosslinked Structure of Polyacrylic Acid Affects Pulmonary Fibrogenicity in Rats. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 23(22), 13870. |
Nugroho, R., Hanafi, J., Shobatake, K., Chun, Y. Y., Tahara, K., & Purwanto, W. W. (2022). Life cycle inventories and life cycle assessment for an electricity grid network: case study of the Jamali grid, Indonesia. The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, 27(8), 1081-1091. |
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